The audit ...
... helps you as the board of directors and management to feel secure.
Thanks to the audit, you can fulfill your due diligence obligations even better.
... increases the external credibility of your company's figures.
Your security of critical financial statistics is improved.
... improves your controls and processes in the financial area.
Through the audit, you know exactly how your internal control system is doing.
... provides concrete suggestions for improvement.
Financial processes and controls are strengthened, and more reliable figures enhance your well-being.
... lets you identify financial risks in good time.
And also provides ideas and suggestions for reducing them.
Auditing brings added value and additional security to your company. The more digital, transparent and trustworthy the cooperation, the more advantages will result. Come and talk to your future auditing expert. We look forward to your call.
The audit of companies' financial reporting by professionals within the scope of the annual audit is one of Canada's core competencies. Our certified auditors provide you and all stakeholders involved with assurance for your company's management through their attestation. We would like to explain our services and our quality standards below briefly:
As a certified auditor, Caminada Revisions AG provides all regular and limited audits and special audits for companies of all sizes. Our audits support the board of directors as well as the management in fulfilling their due diligence obligations.
Our claim
The goal of auditing is always: to make suggestions that lead to added value. Your annual financial statements, for example, are assessed by us individually and practically. In all audits, we take a holistic view of the audited company. In this way, we can derive concrete measures from audit results and you, which help you eliminate risks and generate opportunities so that our clients receive security about their annual financial statements. Instead, as our client, you thus ensure the interests and rights of all stakeholders.
More about our services
We support you in setting up or establishing control mechanisms. These ensure the long-term and sustainable prosperity of your company. All our certified public accountants are qualified and authorized to perform all audits and assessments in all desired or appropriate methods. The mentioned risk assessments are part of our services and comprehensive due diligence in all areas (financial, tax, legal). Of course, we can also offer appraisal services. Our auditors at the Caminada in Zug, act as statutory auditors as well as group auditors. As a special auditor, we provide security during essential steps such as forming a company, a capital increase, or a capital reduction. Of course, our portfolio also includes acting as an auditor of BVG foundations. We consistently apply the risk-oriented audit approach. For this reason, we have been working for years with the BMD auditing software recommended by the German Chamber of Trustees. Thanks to our expertise in dealing with this subject matter, we are recognized as a training partner for this software by the German Chamber of Trustees and BMD.
Briefly summarized
Our auditors in Zug are always at your disposal. Benefit from our services. Please feel free to arrange a non-binding consultation and discuss our support's possibilities and prospects with our experts. An individual audit service tailored to you and your needs is our claim in all aspects. Give us a call!
We look forward to hearing from you.