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Tax optimization

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John Sulger Büel
John Sulger Büel
Andreas Hänggi
Andreas Hänggi

Tax optimization ...

... determines your optimization possibilities in the tax area.
In the long term, significant tax savings can be realized in many cases.

... analyzes your potential for tax savings.
Through a thorough assessment of your situation, your tax burden can be optimized.

... helps to structure your business structures or your income and assets in a tax-optimized way.
A profound analysis of your situation improves your planning reliability.

... spares your nerves and saves money in the long run.
Thanks to the foresight and good planning, short-, medium- and long-term reductions of your tax burden become possible.

... reduces your tax risks at the same time.
By continuously monitoring your tax situation, threats such as events that may impact your tax situation are identified, comprehensively analyzed, and, where necessary, hedged with a ruling.

As soon as your tax situation reaches a certain level of complexity, there is almost always the potential for better structuring your income and asset situation. And design or structuring options usually include the potential for reducing your personal or corporate tax burden. If this applies to you, a non-binding appointment with our tax experts makes sense and provides you with an overview of the available options.


Nobody likes to pay taxes.

The thought of how the money could be used alternatively is too tempting. One thing is exact: paying taxes cannot be avoided. However, there are ways to optimize taxes. As a result, a smaller amount then has to be paid, and at least some of the money can be used for more awesome things. It may be possible to save massive amounts only by taking advantage of legal optimization opportunities in the long run. So why pay more if you don't have to?

Expert advice pays off

Our tax experts point out the alternatives available in each case. For example, relocation can save immense sums. Also, a restructuring of private and business assets can lead to tax savings. Finally, the formation of provisions can also be advantageous from a tax point of view. However, all of this requires extensive expert knowledge. Anyone who undertakes such optimizations themselves and is not very well versed in this area will, in the worst case, make themselves liable to prosecution. After all, ignorance does not protect against punishment. Therefore, handing over to an expert is recommended. Tax savings are possible in a wide variety of business transactions. Especially when buying or selling companies, a tax-optimized approach can lead to significant savings.

Comprehensive information for long-term success

Our tax experts usually advise their clients on a long-term basis. After all, only if the professional knows the company or the personal circumstances can the tax advantages be optimally exploited. Otherwise, information often remains unnoticed, which is not perceived as crucial. If the tax advisor had known about it, the figures or facts might have led to a more favorable result.

The specific services

To get an even clearer picture, the services of the tax experts will be explicitly shown. In this way, you will be able to decide whether it might make sense to hire such a professional.

Tax optimization direct taxes

The term "tax optimization direct taxes" refers to the direct taxes, which have to be paid by an entrepreneur. A strict distinction between direct and indirect taxes should always be made to maintain clarity. However, it is not a conclusive enumeration since the circumstances of individual cases determine the possibilities of tax optimization.

  • Analysis of the location
  • Analysis of the previous tax payments (national and international)
  • Optimization and planning of taxes
  • Remuneration packages that are tax optimized
  • Share-based payment opportunities
  • Tax analysis for spin-offs, mergers, or restructurings
  • Owner consulting
  • Include inheritance/gift taxes
  • Employee shareholdings
  • Analyze, explain and respond to inquiries from tax authorities

Tax optimization indirect taxes

"Tax optimization indirect taxes" does not so much refer to possible tax savings but more to tax risks that are possible in case of false declarations due to insufficient knowledge or particular circumstances or requirements. As soon as a company carries out obligatory transactions that are not standard, it makes sense to consult with tax experts in this regard. This concerns in particular: 

  • VAT declarations
  • Reconciliation of sales tax and value-added tax
  • VAT fiscal representative for foreign companies
  • Consultation around the value-added tax also over the national border